Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Critique of the editorial, "Will the President-elect damper Texas' heavy industry?"

In this editorial article, author jhn26 discusses the potential implications of President-elect Obama's energy plan for the US, and how such a plan might affect the State of Texas. The author goes on to comment on Texas' energy policies - good and bad - and how these policies may translate into a workable solution to the nation's growing energy- and pollution woes.

The author is able to make several valid points throughout his article, but unfortunately they don't all come together very cohesively. Despite this, however, the author's final point noting Texas' $11 billion surplus - with an unanswered question as to how that money will change the state's energy policy - leaves the reader to question how best we as a state should approach this difficult issue.

By leaving questions for the reader to answer, as well as filling his article with poignant arguments, the author connects well to his audience. Many people would do well to consider his point of view with an open mind.